Present Your Best Self


Being brought up in a Tamil cultured-Christian family, there were a lot of expectations placed on us, as to how we are to dress and present ourselves while being in the public eye. There was a belief that a certain dress code needs to be followed in order to be portrayed as the “perfect Christian.”

As I started traveling to different countries, I met people of many different cultures that all dressed and expressed themselves in a different way. There were some kind-hearted people who wore dresses, some wore jeans, some wore no makeup and some who wore a lot of jewelry. Even though, their clothing and appearance were all very different, they all showed their good character and treated people with respect and displayed the likeness of Christ. I noticed that their actions outshined their appearance. After seeing these men and women having good character and being witnesses for Christ, I realized that I can dress the way I like and still be a good person, with a kind heart, that loves Jesus. As my interest for fashion and beauty grew, I started experimenting with makeup, learning new hair-styling techniques and wearing clothes that I felt comfortable in, which didn’t hinder my relationship with Christ. It became like a hobby that didn’t get in the way of me loving Jesus.

I started sharing that part of myself, openly on social media, posting pictures of my personal life, apart from singing or traveling for ministry. There was a lot of talk about me being accustomed to the world, dressing in a “modern way” by wearing jeans and makeup, and attracting people through my looks and showing off like a “movie star.” But those comments didn’t stop me from being myself.

I’d like to encourage young men and women to present themselves in the best way they can, that reflects their good character and pure heart, on the outside as well. Let’s remove the stigma that “only movie stars can wear makeup, dress and feel like a million bucks.” As a follower of Christ, we are to be our best in our works as well as in presenting ourselves in the best possible way. This starts by taking care of your mind, soul and body, that in turn reflects on the outside. This will enable you to care for others, the same way you care for yourself (Mark 12:30-31).

To look good on the outside, you have to feel good on the inside. Self-care can build confidence which will enable you to show your good character in all that you do and help you to put your best foot forward. But also remember to not judge people based on their looks. Whether people are done up or not, it doesn’t give us the right to judge. Be concerned with their heart and see if their intentions are aligned with God’s word.

In this space, I share videos and blog posts on makeup, beauty, self-care, my daily routine and how to present yourself as a young, follower of Christ. I share my thoughts on how to take care of your body, soul and mind. Follow me on social media to get updates on when I upload new posts. Let’s continue to be the best we can be.