What To Do When You Don't Feel Like Praying
Have you ever had those days when you don’t feel like doing anything? Things like getting ready, doing work or even getting up from bed feels like a huge chore. Or you are consumed by so many tasks that you don’t even have time to breathe. We all go through moments like those in life where we feel like we don’t get a break. When we are so busy doing our daily tasks, we sometimes don’t have time to fit God inside our busy schedule or we may have so many bad things going on that we don’t like talking to God. What should we do in times like that? How should we pray in times like that?
Focus on Him
First, I would say start off by thanking God for all that He has given you. Sometimes we focus on everything that’s wrong in our lives, how people view us, the things we don’t have, what could’ve been, and so on, and lose sight of what we have. A simple thank you for the little things that happened in our day or a good thing that happened to us recently, would make a huge difference in lifting up our spirits in the presence of God. In your lowest of lows, remember how far God has carried you and thank Him for it. Rejoice in His name and worship Him for who He is. This will help keep your eyes fixed on Him.
Worship Him
Worship is your greatest weapon. Sing and worship along with some music, listen to some inspiring testimonies and life stories, read and meditate on scriptures that talk about the character of God. Worshipping God renews your heart. It opens you up to experience true joy through your trials and peace that passes all understanding. As you worship God more, you'll begin to cultivate a continual well of joy and peace in your life — no matter what circumstances you are going through.
Talk to Him
Prayer is nothing but talking to God. It doesn’t have to be super formal and only done in a certain place. Talk to Him when you wake up, walk to work, buy groceries, when you’re stressed, when you’re on your lunch break, I could keep going on and on. Open up your Bible and meditate on God’s promises. Tell God everything that is on your mind. It’s so simple. When you do that, He’ll lead you in the way you should go and communicate with you.
“ I don’t know what to pray. What do I say?”
“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”
When you feel weak and weary, ask God for help. He, Himself will pray on your behalf. He’ll help you and strengthen your spirit. You only need to ask Him.
If you need someone to pray with you, you can call the Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Tower which is available 24/7 at 044 45 999 000 (India) or email your prayer requests to stellaramola@jesuscalls.org.