How To Deal With Negative Comments


This is a common question that I receive during my live sessions and on my instagram stories. I tend to get a lot of hate comments on my music videos for the way I dress and for the fusion style music that I do. I am definitely not ashamed of what I have done and I am grateful to all who have supported me over the years to make great music to praise God and have fun in the presence of God.

Some of the comments would be of pure hate and almost none would contain constructive criticism. This enabled me to realize that they were just hating just to hate. Being bitter because of the support I got for being different. I believe that every one has a unique purpose on this earth and every one has a different personality that forms who they are. You cannot be a cookie cutter Christian if you are truly a follower of Christ. 1 Peter 4:10-11 says, “God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ.” God gives each of us unique gifts to be used for his glory.

Each person has unique gifts given by God, that they learn about as they grow. The gift turns into their skill and that turns into their passion. They will go through different experiences that shape them into who they are.

To give him glory through these unique gifts, all you have to do are three things. Firstly, make sure you have a solid relationship with God. When God fills you up with his Holy Spirit, as soon as you believe in Him and ask Him to live in you, the Holy Spirit will start directing your path. He will tell you what to do and what not to do. You have to listen to that still, small voice. He will never pressure you but He will guide you. John 16:13 says, “The Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you.” Leading and guiding is different than controlling and manipulating. Practice holiness in your life, as the Holy Spirit guides you. Do good deeds, be kind to people and do your best to honor God.

Secondly, sharpen your skill. This way, you will be sure to know that you have given your best. Everything takes time and to be the best, you need to practice. Prayer works, yes. God will help you, yes but you have to put in the work to be the best that you can be. When you do that, God will honor you and reward you for your faithfulness.

Thirdly, do everything to give glory to God. Know who you’re serving. Your heart is important when you serve God. Keep your heart pure and be faithful in everything you do, then God will honor you.

Remember to surround yourself with people who lift you up, encourage you and help you to be your best. I am not talking about the people that enable you to take the easy way out, but the people that stand with you through the struggle and encourage you to keep pushing to be faithful in all things. Have friends who have integrity.

Moreover, when you’re so focused on giving your best, God will give you His peace, according to John 14:27, that will quiet down all the noise. You’ll know that you’ve given your best, so you don’t have to listen to all the negativity. You’ll also know that God is pleased with you because the Holy Spirit will assure you that you have done your best. This will definitely help you to mute all the negativity. Don’t worry. God knows your heart. Keep creating and keep being the best you can be. No negativity will be able to shake you!

Here’s a video where I talk more about How To Overcome Negativity.