Road To Graduation


A month ago, I graduated from college with a Bachelors degree. It was quite a journey where I walked a unique road, full of adventure, to finally get that diploma in my hand. I learned many things about myself and grew into the person that I am today because of the experiences I had while I was in college.

During the final days of my high school years, I was really unsure about what to pursue next for my higher education. I knew I wanted to complete my bachelor’s degree but I wasn’t sure of which course to take. I analyzed my interests and my skills but I still didn’t know which path I needed to follow for the next four years of my life. I was interested in visual media, social media, marketing, management, singing, and branding. However, when the time came for me to choose one concentrated degree program, I was stuck. I was about to graduate high school, still unsure of what my true passion was. Since I was so young and inexperienced, it was a struggle for me to be pushed into a decision that would determine my career.

Right after graduating high school, I joined a community college to complete all my basic subjects. After one semester, I switched an online program to pursue a degree in marketing. Since marketing is such a general subject, I lost track and started losing interest in my studies. I felt empty and just doing work to pass my classes. I wasn’t learning new concepts that nourished my mind. One year went by and I felt like it was the longest of my life.

At the beginning of my second semester, when I went to India for break, I was able to sit in on a discussion where we talked about what to do that year for the UTurn events. Every year, we come up with new themes to discuss in our yearly youth meetings in India, where my siblings share the word of God through music, games, entertainment, sermons, and prayers. It would draw many young people to those events, where they would experience Jesus in a fun way. That year, my siblings were unable to attend the meetings. During the discussion, I proposed an idea. “Since I will be in India for break this year, why don’t I host an event? Let’s put on a music concert in a few cities!” I said to the members in that conference room. We thought it was a new way to present Christ to young people through our ministry. In this event, young people could gather for one night, to simply worship Jesus along with me and the band. Even though it was a new venture, the team readily accepted the challenge and we went forth preparing for a 4-city concert tour around India. I had the opportunity to work with people from different departments to successfully put on a music show. I worked with different teams for promotions, budgeting, management, hospitality, designing, audio and video production, set design, scheduling and so on. I had such a rush learning new things about the music world. My passion slowly started taking shape as I went through the process for this project that was special to my heart.

After planning these events for a few months now, I felt like I was in my true element, doing what I love. I was able to sing and share my life’s journey with the crowd as well as be a part of a team who worked tirelessly to bring the events to life. I love both sides of the music business. However, after finish those shows. I had to go back to complete my bachelors.

When I went back and opened my course schedule, I was devastated. I felt all that adrenaline and rush circling into a drain. I decided to tell my parents about my newfound passion for the music world. I took my parents out to dinner and told them the rush I felt while preparing for these musical events and asked if I could do something in music for my bachelor’s degree. My dad immediately said, “Yes! That’s a great idea. Go for it.” We went home and starting researching colleges that offer music business programs, where I will be able to learn the business side of the music world in much more detail. As we scrolled down the page, my dad and I found a website that had the title, “Get your degree in 20 months.” That caught our eyes and we researched more about it. That university was one of the top in the country for media-related programs. I applied for the music business degree program and got enrolled in just a matter of few weeks. It required me to move to a different place, so I packed my bags and trusted that God has a unique plan for me so He won’t let me down. I pursued my degree in the new place, living all by myself.

In this new place, I discovered many things about myself, through my personal experiences. I strongly sensed God’s presence and His guidance through the Holy Spirit at all times. I would claim all the promises He gave me and kept my trust in Him throughout my time there. He revealed so many truths to me and as I would share those truths on social media, many young people like me were encouraged. The replies I would get would be, “I needed to hear this,” “God gave me these words through you at the right time,” and those words really encouraged me to keep listening to the voice of God. I was able to share the real truth of God and it inspired many to follow God just as I learned to.

Even when my parents were able to be with me, I truly believe God guided me as a father, teaching me new things about his character and also about my own self. I was able to learn new skills and sharpen the ones I had already. I wrote a few new songs, I learned to cook a little bit, I cooked chicken for the first time by myself, I learned to get rid of many insects that appeared in my apartment (RIP to all the cockroaches I had to exterminate) and I also learned patience, forgiveness and learned to trust God in all my circumstances and listen to Him.

Not only did He help me in my spiritual and personal life, but God also enabled me to complete my degree at the right time with good grades. All the courses were exactly related to the concepts I learned while preparing for the UTurn concerts. I got the opportunity to learn from people currently active in the music world or have had experience for over 15-20 years in the music business. I was able to use my own brand for my projects and that boosted my creativity to create new and exciting content about God’s love even in my musical career.

I was able to graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Music Business in just 20 months. Since I did some college classes before going into this university, I was able to complete my bachelors degree in the 4 year time that I would have had to if I went to any other college. This is purely the right timing and plan of God. My family came to encourage me on graduation day, screaming my name from their seats. I thank God for their support and for honoring God’s plan for my life.

I remembered the small commitment I made when I gave my life to Christ, that everything I make will be for the glory of God. Today, 4 years after high school, I am able to see the tremendous, loving hand of God in each detail of my life. He has made everything beautiful in its time and I believe that only God could have orchestrated it. 2 Corinthians 2:14 says, “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.” According to this verse, I believe that through the knowledge we gain through our education, work and life experiences, we can spread the fragrance of Christ in the areas we are placed in.

Sharing my road to graduation in the Dallas Jesus Calls Prayer Tower.

Sharing my road to graduation in the Dallas Jesus Calls Prayer Tower.

I had the opportunity to share this testimony at one of the Jesus Calls prayer towers, as I talked about the goodness of God in my life. I shared how God had a perfect plan for my education, shaping me through my experiences and giving me the exposure that I needed before completing the perfect degree for me. He was there in all my ups and downs and took control of every detail. Even when I was alone, He guided me just like a father and taught me new things each day. I grew in my personal life as well as in my walk with Him. He taught me that I had to go through certain rough patches, in order to celebrate the victory that I have today. I truly thank God for His hand in my life and for the reward He has given me today.

As representations of Christ, we should spread the love of Christ through everything that we do, no matter what industry or place it’s in. So be diligent in your work and let God’s hand lead you into the future He has planned for you. I pray that you will be blessed with the best, just as how God has done for me. The same God who has been good to me will do the same for you!

In this video, I have talked about my road to graduation and shared a few moments from my journey. Check it out and I hope it encourages you! Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel, “Stellazlife” on YouTube, where I share more about the Christian lifestyle of an every day, follower of Christ.